Good news coming

We keep hearing this no end: “Good news coming”, “Good news next week”, “Good news coming very soon.” Latest we heard, “Good news if not this week, sure next week, or latest also by the end of this month.”

How many times have you heard this already? Do you still want to wait anxiously, worried sick every day and night and to have your hopes dashed again and again every day? 100 days had gone by. Do you still want to continue waiting, to do nothing, suffer in silence or … at least try, DO something to get your gold or money back soonest possible?

The choice is yours.

We believe GMSB management is doing their level best as it is also in their best interest to see this resolved soonest possible. They are in the same boat with us, if not worse; their personal bank accounts, joint accounts and other business accounts are frozen too. A good deterrent for wannabe scammers we agree, but in GMSB’s case, there are still no charges of any wrong-doing after 100 days.

The latest memo from GM Lim Kah Heng posted at their official FB page, website and at the main entrance of the office spoke volumes. Though management is silent for reasons best known to themselves, GM rebutted the rumour that the company was taken over by TGG. In addition, GMSB offices are still open nationwide till today. By these gestures, it is understood they’re still with us and did not “close shop”.

Tun Mahathir correctly stated, “Investigate first because if you stop the transaction, people’s money will be locked out and they cannot use, they cannot even get their gold. They deserve fair treatment.”

Where is the fair treatment? For whatever reason Bank Negara Malaysia is silent till today, still not releasing our assets back to GMSB for delivery to us, don’t you think 100 days is long enough to complete any investigation?

If it was a private company doing this to you, you would have raised hell and made police reports by now, isn’t it?

What is the difference? They are “Bank Negara Malaysia”, the “Central Bank of Malaysia”, the “authorities” … therefore, you stop short of demanding what is rightfully yours and cow in fear of the “authorities” when you did nothing wrong? Strip it naked, “Bank Negara” is just a name on a building, an organization ran by human beings just like you and I with roles and responsibilities to fulfill.

It is time we took a stand collectively and said, enough is enough. We are not waiting anymore in silence. We are taking action to get our assets back by ALL means.

The ball is in your court. And the choice is yours to make, if you really want your hard earned money back.

Step 1: Lodge an official complaint by making a police report.
With an official report, only then can we move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Call for Judiciary Review

You are the Good News. You make the Good News. So wait no more. Please download a police report template that is applicable to you:

  1. Police Report for Return of Gold – New Purchase
  2. Police Report for Return of Gold – Second Case
  3. Police Report for Return of Money
  4. Police Report for Return of Gold and Docs Withheld by Consultant (New)
  5. Laporan Polis untuk Kembalian Emas – Pelanggan Baru
  6. Laporan Polis untuk Kembalian Emas – Second Case
  7. Laporan Polis untuk Kembalian Wang
  8. Polis Repot untuk Kembalian Emas dan Dukumen Ditahan oleh Konsultan (Baru)


  1. Complete the relevant doc with the required details and save to a pen drive. You can then conveniently insert into the actual police report at the nearest police station.
  2. After you have made the police report, please scan and email to:
    Deadline for submission: 31 January 2013.

Then indeed, it will be “Good news coming.”

By Genneva Malaysia Supporters

Also Read: On the Issue of Estoppel by Dee Casey


1 thought on “Good news coming

  1. sh2john

    Never stop trying…..brainstorm on negara ku,write to the king,worldbank anybody ,just to get attention,UN ,a corupt govnt will do anything to get their hands on money like the way they have robbed us in E P F.You have a collective voice..use it.


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